Thursday, September 3, 2015

Whopper shot sequence shooting technique

In my TV Production class this semester we are learning about sequence shooting technique in video. This involves planning shots step-by-step and seeing the video step by step in your mind from beginning, middle, and end. I will demonstrate how to make a whopper burger using the shot sequence shooting technique.
The first two steps of the whopper shot sequence shooting technique is toasting the whopper buns, and applying mayonnaise evenly over the crown of the whopper bun.
The next two steps to the whopper shot sequence shooting technique is applying the fresh chopped lettuce evenly over the mayonnaise, and placing two slice red tomatoes over the lettuce. 
Following the tomatoes is the whopper meat and cheese. You place one whopper meat on to the heel of the whopper bun, and then place two slices of cheese over the whopper meat.
The next two steps following the cheese is placing the four pickles and four onions over the cheese and whopper meat.
The last two steps to the whopper shot sequence shooting technique is applying ketchup over the onions, and then place the crown bun over the ketchup by grabbing the tomatoes, and the crown bun at the same time and setting it over the whopper heel.

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